A recent poll has shown that Americans by a majority support Donald Trump's ban on halting immigration from seven predominately Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria & Yemen). This is despite the fact that several of these countries are persecuting and killing their own citizens who are eligible for refugee status. The reaction from the Democrats and many left-wing governments around the world has been fairly predictable, with widespread condemnation against the ban and political commentators have been quick to infer racist, xenophobic and Islamophobia attitudes towards those Americans who are supportive of Trump's policy.

It is certainly true that there are many Americans who support Trump and his ban for these specific reasons, but there are far more who are persuaded by other, less repugnant, beliefs who do not deserve to be tarred with the same brush and ought to have their opinions properly listened too.

American isolationism

One of the most notable themes in Trump's election campaign was the concept of American isolationism, specifically in the military and political spheres rather than economically. This is an attractive proposition for many Americans who are tired of successive American government becoming embroiled in Middle Eastern politics and creating strong animosity towards America in the region.

For these Americans Trump's ban is part of a broader, disengagement with the Middle East and by severing all links with the region, America can avoid being blamed for the political troubles and social conflicts which plague the Arab world. Although is argument is still open to criticism and analysis, it is a far cry from the naked racism which opponents of the ban have been quick to accuse supporters of endorsing.

Should America look after the world's poor or it's own?

Other Americans have been persuaded by the economic arguments, which are pertinent to an issue which many have portrayed as solely humanitarian. The cost of taking in refugees from around the world and, contrary to other countries which simply house them in inadequate, overcrowding camps, turning them into fully integrated American citizens incurs a huge cost to taxpayers.

Many of the critics of America, chastise it for not spending enough on its own poor and many supporting the ban are in agreement but argue that before America tackles the world's problems, it needs to put its own house in order.

Ultimately, the supporters of Donald Trump's ban do so for a number of reasons, only a few of which have been touched upon in this article, rather than further antagonising and smearing them, it is time for the Democratic party and the political left in America to have a reasoned debate with this collective majority and find common ground, otherwise America is set to become even more polarised than it already is, which is something which all sides can agree is not in the nation's best interests.