"America is going to offer Nigel Farage a breathmint after he's done licking so much arsehole". - Jim Sterling

Mr Sterling's blunt quip was regarding Mr Farage's plans to apologize to the American people on the criticisms made by a number of high and low profile Britons during the now President-Elect Trump's campaign - he's taken to task to also do it in their behalf...

The ex-Ukip leader also made the statement that whether the government will be willing to use him or not - he would travel to the US again to further solidify the UK and US relations which is just soon after already being the first mainstream British politician to meet with the President-Elect when he garnered a victory against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 American elections.

The Butch and Sundance of political pairings

When it comes to political theater and entertainment, nothing says 2016 and controversy like the combination of Farage and Trump. The ideologies of both men and what the relationship of the two represent is the massive political right-wing-whirlwind we have seen take over the landscape for the past year, one that no one expected happen - twice over. From Brexit to the results of the American elections, change is happening like it or not.

It's no surprise to anyone that these two would find a commonality in each other. They're both loud, controversial and have made statements the media generally crucifies them for but that hasn't stopped them becoming popular, especially with the spotlight put on them.

Part politicians and part entertainers, no matter how much left wingers don't like to hear what comes out of their twitter feeds or mouths, they'll have that mentioned spotlight on them for the rest of their political careers.

A love story better than Twilight

From the start our favorite beer sipping, casually controversial (now just) Member of the European Parliment has been more supportive of a Trump administration than of a Clinton. In an interview with ITV back in May of thiis year Mr Farage stated that:

"Well, let's put it like this, I couldn't vote for Hillary even if you paid me."

This strong denouncement of the Democrat candidate also still came with reservations for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

But this would soon change when Trump, in June, arrived in the UK to open a golf course then called Brexit a "great thing" that it was a victory.

Not too long after these two men then continually showed support of each other and a kind of hostility to any who opposed each other, Mr Farage demonstrated this by accepting a warm welcome from Trump and Jackson, Mississipi and stating in a Trump campaign rally that (changing his previous statement from the interview in May):

"In fact - I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me."

As the year and Trump's campaign progressed Farage's endorsements of the candidate only became more confident and stronger. In October after the second presidential debate he went on to say that he dominated Hillary Clinton, comparing the Republican to a "Silver back Gorilla".

Farage's admiration of Trump from this point is clear, an admiration further demonstrated when he hails the Republican candidate's victory from last month in the elections. Mr Brexit here even goes to say that, due to the US election results, this year was the year of "two great political revolutions". He further adds that "I thought Brexit was big but boy - this looks to be even bigger".

Where will they go from here?

We can only ever guess what these two have in store for the current political landscape, although a few things are clear, no doubt we will continue to see Trump and Farage interact - possibly even working together in some capacity (judging from what they've said from the media).

Mr Brexit certainly is not shying away from that possibility of becoming an ambassador...

These "bad boys" of western Politics will no doubt continue to challenge norms as long as, you know, Trump does not continue to back track on his campaign statements.