Nostradamus, who has been dead since 1566, supposedly predicted the presidency of Donald Trump, which didn’t happen until just last week (meaning he’s reliable), and now it has been revealed that he predicted a World War to break out sometime in 2016 or 2017, led by trump. If this prediction is to be believed, it will likely be in 2017 as opposed to 2016, as Trump isn’t inaugurated until January.

Nostradamus was a famed seer in 16th century France. Seers are people who claim to have a supernatural insight, kind of a third eye that can see into the future, and they tell people their predictions, and they’re mostly ignored until five hundred years later they come true. He is known for having also correctly predicted the Great Fire of London, the rise of Napoleon, the rise of Hitler, and the fall of the World Trade Center (in not so many words, but he sure predicted them).

Nostradamus predicts Trump will order a “military operation”

As reported by The Inquistr, Nostradamus’ prediction was that there is going to be a military operation ordered, which suggests new commander-in-chief Donald Trump as he now has the authority to order military operations, not to mention his aggressive campaign speeches suggested that if elected, which surprisingly he has been, he would be ordering many a military operation.

Nostradamus followers believe WWIII will be a nuclear war

Followers of Nostradamus believe that, based on this prediction, Trump will lead America and later the rest of the world into an all-out nuclear war, which will be World War II. They also say that Nostradamus predicted the outcome of the election, even when no one living today could and we all thought Hillary would win. They believe that Donald Trump was the “great, shameless, audacious brawler” who would be “elected governor of the army” predicted by Nostradamus.

The Nostradamus World War III prediction was worded as follows: “The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt, there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.” Along with the word “Trump” being in the world “trumpet,” there are many other mentions of the potential effects of a Trump presidency in this prediction: “changing money” could refer to the downfall of the economy that many believe will happen with Trump in the White House, and “concealing madness” could refer to how Trump manipulated working-class voters into supporting him without seeing him as the megalomaniac he is.

Nostradamus also predicted Hillary’s involvement

Other elements of the 2016 Presidential election appear in Nostradamus’ prediction, with one part claiming women will attack Trump, which they did during his campaign when he was accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, as well as mention of a masculine woman who will exert herself to the north (Hillary).

Whether or not Nostradamus’ prediction of a World War III caused by Donald Trump is true will come to light in January when he becomes leader of the “free” world, but let’s hope it’s not.