As the news breaks of the date for the appeal against the High Courts decision by the Government set for the 5th of December 2016, it does raise questions about how engaged the British public are in the issue of Brexit? Has the British public gone beyond their tolerance level for hearing about Brexit and the ensuing court case?
The referendum back in June 2016 seems like a long time ago in the mind of most yet, the never ending discussion on what format the withdrawal from Europe will take constantly makes the local and national news.
However, how bored are the majority of people, and are they still interested in the outcome or do they wish that it would just be all over and done with? There is a concern that the pubic will lose interest in Brexit or become so disengaged that should an early election or even should a second referendum happen, then democracy could be said to have failed or the result be flawed.
Immediately after the referendum, millions signed an online petition for a second referendum and there has been considerable debate on whether Brexit could actually be stopped. Key discussions are still heightened and emotive in area's that refuse to let the debate out of main headlines, such as Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Bored with it all
However, whilst these regions have managed to keep the debate in the news, it does appear that the rest of the UK is losing interest and belief in the political system.
There is a consensus that Brexit will never happen, and this does suggest that there is a general mistrust of members of parliament and government to adhere to the result of the referendum.
The lack of interest and malaise surrounding Brexit does appear to stem from the ongoing debate on whether it will be a 'hard' or 'soft' Brexit, and this begs the question, do the general public understand the difference? Perhaps if the previous Prime Minister has negotiated a better deal for the British public at the beginning of 2015, then the Brexit debate and its referendum would be a mere blip on Britain's political history.