Calls are growing for the resignation of Prime Minister Theresa May only months into her premiership. Having refused to answer calls to investigate the 788-790 Finchley Road fraud, campaigners are accusing Theresa May of being part of the problem, rather than the solution.
First exposed by ex-RAF whistleblower Gordon Bowden, and later championed by peaceful warrior John Paterson, the Finchley Road fraud accuses prominent politicians, and leading capitalists of money laundering on an industrial scale, syphoning billions and billions of public funds into their personal off-shore accounts, by using bogus oil, gas and mining companies registered at various addresses, most prominently at 788-790 Finchley Road in London.
Gordon Bowden personally delivered a dossier of his forensic investigation to BBC TV House and having sent his findings to every news outlet in the UK, campaigners now believe a concerted Government cover-up is in operation to hide what is being billed as the greatest fraud in British history.
The Greatest Fraud in British History
While the nation awaits the outcome of the Labour leadership election between Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith to determine who will challenge Theresa May in the forthcoming General Election, an unknown challenger and rank outsider, ex-Crime Stopper Brian Setchfield, is gaining momentum as the third choice for Prime Minister, promising to renegotiate the social contract between the public and government and Crown.
With an ever increasing fan-base, Brian Setchfield delivered a scathing indictment of Theresa May's refusal to answer calls for an investigation into extremely serious crimes of murder, fraud, and embezzlement, on the Andy Peacher's Radio Show broadcasted to the world on the Freedom Talk Radio platform.
He said, "Mrs. May, I have to say that it was very disappointing to not have received any kind of acknowledgment from you and Jenny (Theresa May's PA) as we had truly expected you to have dealt with the matter as a matter of urgency."
Undisclosed sources within the government report that due to the seriousness of the Finchley Road fraud, many politicians and even Royal family members are petrified that their personal involvement will be made public, as were the involvement of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iceland President Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson and David Cameron's father, Ian Cameron, were made public in the recent Panama Papers scandal.
Hiding behind the Facade of Government
Although many prominent politicians continue to hide behind the façade of government respectability and Royal appointment, It's only a matter of time before the floodgates break and the Finchley Road fraud is reported across the globe.
10 Downing Street remains silent and Buckingham Palace hasn't yet commented on this developing story.