Freelance author and journalist Kate Bohdanowicz found herself under attack by former Tory MP Louise Mensch on Twitter. The bizarre attacks started after Kate shared a post by Mensch about a vigil held in Walthamstow to oppose bombing in Syria. Mensch immediately responded with an angry Twitter rant causing Kate such distress that she posted: “Under dr's orders to take it easy post-op & pre-chemo. Being trolled by @LouiseMensch wasn't on the prescription. #BringMeRoundWhenItsOver”.
Louise Mensch has been vociferous in her defence of Stella Creasy, Labour MP for Walthamstow, whose office was the location for a family vigil on Tuesday 1st December.
Reports from Channel 4 and local Newspaper the Waltham Forrest Guardian described the event as a peaceful vigil against air strikes, but a sole Facebook post suggested angry protesters attended Stella Creasy's home. Despite confirmation from numerous sources, including Stella Creasy, that this did not happen, Mensch continued to assert that it did in numerous Twitter posts.
In a bizarreTwitter rant Mensch referred to attendees as “literal vile pigs” and blasted them for “trying to force Creasy to defend intimdatory [sic] march”. Bohdanowicz shared this post adding “I'm sorry...!?” which provoked an angry response from Mensch. The former Tory MP for Corby branded Kate as “sickening” and accused her of spreading “utter lies” when she attempted to defend herself.
After some of Bohdanowicz's followers defended her, Mensch demanded that “Every one of you should be expelled from the Labour Party”. Kate explainedthat not only did she not attend the vigil butthat she was also not a member ofthe Labour Party. Mensch was quick to respond saying “I bet you're not” with a hint of sarcasm, before calling her a “troll”.
Following the exchange, Twitter user mva added “she goes on about vile abuse online yet I hav [sic] seen her tweets insulting and abusing people. LM is a hypocrite of the biggest order”.
Louise Mensch was the victim of misogynistic cyberbullying while serving as an MP. But in recent years she has been accused of cyberbullying after Tweeting personal insults about Kim Dotcom and Abby Tomlinson.
The attacks appeared even more disgraceful as previous posts on Kate Bohdanowicz explained how she had recently been diagnosed with cancer.Although, despiteinitially appearing distressed by the Tweets, Kate seemed in better spirits on Sunday night, tweeting: “I'm setting up an #E17 support group for anyone who's been Mensched.”