The poll was conducted by YouGov and tested the opinions of citizens in six European countries, as well as the US. The majority of Brits, as well as the majority in the other European countries, said they support the deal reached.


Respondents to the survey were asked:

"Several world powers have reached an international agreement that will limit Iran's nuclear activity in return for the lifting of major economic sanctions against Iran. Do you support or oppose this agreement?"

A total of 61% of respondents from the UK said they supported the deal.

14% said they strongly support it, whilst 47% said they tended to support it. On the other hand, just 13% opposed the deal. Of this, 10% said they tended to opposeit and 3% said they strongly opposed it.

The fact that there is strong British public opinion for this is good news for the deal.The other European countries polled were Germany, France, Sweden, Finland and Norway. In the five other countries the polling indicates that a clear majority support the deal.

Whilst this is good news for the deal, the polling also suggests that people are not so confident about it stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

Just 26% of Brits surveyed said they were confident that the deal would stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, whilst 50% said they were not confident.

Similar patterns were repeated for the other European countries polled.


Overall, the polling suggests that the deal has the backing the British public, as well as the public of France, Germany and the other European nations surveyed. However, the question on people's confidence of it stopping Iran going nuclear shows that people have doubts.Furthermore, there is a contrast between European opinion and US opinion.

Another YouGov poll, conducted in US, tells a very different story.

When US respondents were asked if they support or oppose the Iran nuclear deal the results show that the US public are split. A total of36% said they support the deal, whilst 38% said they oppose it.If all goes to plan the deal could work in its proponents interests, but only time will tell.

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