The leader of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), Mr. Sigmar Gabriel, Minister of Economy of Germany and vice-chancellor, expressed harsh criticism of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in an interview to German-language Stern Magazine. The SPD leader has, for the first time, hinted that it might have been a mistake to allow Greece to join the eurozone. "The entry of Greece into the euro area was, from the point of view of today, very naive," Gabriel said in the interview.
"Worse it is that everyone has looked too long," as this country fell deeper and deeper into crisis, said the Vice-Chancellor. The inclusion of Greece in the currency union had significantly advanced the previous SPD-Green Party Government of Gerhard Schröder.
The lesson of the decline of Greece seems to have taught to Gabriel as "never tolerate if a country does not respect the rules of the game in Europe." And this applies not only to financial matters. "We must not tolerate when the democratic rules in Europe have deteriorated in Hungary. Or, if in the EU, populations of some countries, such as Sinti and Roma, are discriminated so strongly that their only way is to escape," he added.
The SPD chairman has also clarified the position that he could imagine a debt reduction, if there will be the willingness to reform the greek government. "If we limit ourselves simply to decrease the debt without radical changes in Greece, nothing is won," he said. "The ability to reduce debt will only happen if the greek government indicate a strong will to implement reforms." But the leader of the SPD is perfectly sure: "in the end we will find a way out of the crisis in Greece."
"Tsipras did not understand that the only one to face charges will be the greeks. And that is what happens now." Minister Gabriel has also tried to understand the Greek population and has shown interest in programs of humanitarian aid, in the event of a failure of the country, but "we should not be charged for the stupidity of their government."
"Germany does not fear the economic consequences", the vice-chancellor stated.
"The eurozone is strong and stable, we have no worries." He added that "although Greece was important, but considering the other issues, and these endless negotiations," this effort would be better to invest it for Ukraine or for the plight of refugees in Europe. In this context, the vice-chancellor has strongly criticised those EU countries that refuse to accept refugees. "Europe is not only for fine weather, where to take the money, but avoid the problems when it comes to taking responsibility. Abandon the values of Europe will be more expensive than anything else," he concluded.