Following the recent Israeli election, Palestinian officials are continuing to take steps to internationalise the conflict by possibly ending Security cooperation with Israel. As part of the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian National Security Forces (NSF) were established under the Palestinian Authority in 1993. During the run up to the Israeli elections most accounts have reported that Palestinian security cooperation is essential.
Palestinian official Saeb Erekat told a press briefing on Thursday that a move is planned to stop security coordination with Israel. "I can assure you something will happen," the veteran negotiator said.
Palestinians have been moving towards internationalising the conflict. On the first of April, the state of Palestine will be the 123rd nation to accede to the Rome Statute giving them access to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
In February, Fadi El Abdallah, Spokeperson at the ICC, told me that the Office of the Prosecutor is conducting a preliminary examination of the situation in Palestine. Palestine lodged an Article 12 declaration accepting the court's jurisdiction since June 13, 2014 which includes the period of the summer 2014 war on Gaza. He also told me, in answer to questions about the attempt by some parties to instill doubt in the court, that "the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) executes its mandate in strict conformity with the Rome Statute legal framework, with complete independence and impartiality and devoid of political considerations."
In November 2012, 138 nations in the United Nations General Assembly recognised an upgraded status for Palestine, voting them an Observer State. The Palestinians have now joined a number of international treaties including the Geneva Conventions in April 2014 at which time they also joined 13 other conventions. The applications were accepted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
Economic Clash
Also on Thursday, the National Committee against Israeli Punitive Measures met and has announced an effort to respond to what they say are punitive measures taken by Israel against the Palestinian economy. Ma'an News reported that Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Economy, Dr. Mohammed Mustafa said at the meeting Israel is violating the 1995 Paris Protocols, that determined rules and regulations in economic cooperation between the West Bank and Israel.