The sun is shining in Britain announcing that it is finally Spring. It is time for family barbecues and evenings out in the sun in the company of a cold beer. The world gets more colourful and the dormant Animals wake up from their long nap. But not each of these little creatures is lucky enough to survive human hands.
Research by Cruelty-Free International and the Dr Hadwen Trust concludes that each year all over the world at least 115 million animals are killed for chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. These include mice, rats, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and monkeys.
Even pregnant animals are dosed with chemicals to test the effects on their unborn babies. These tests cause suffering and many times death - often just to produce a new shade of lipstick or an anti-age skin cream.
Is it still worth testing on animals with the technology and resources we have nowadays?
The answer is definitely no. Most animal tests are decades old, from when there was only a basic understanding of toxicity. Obviously, different animal species have different responses to the same chemical. Scientists question if testing cosmetics on animals still has any relevance to human safety at all.
The Be Cruelty-Free campaign, launched throughout Europe, Australia, India, the United States and many other countries, aims to inform consumers and to change minds within the cosmetics industry.
Their goal is to achieve a world where no animal has to suffer for the sake of cosmetics.
While testing on animals was banned in the European Union in 2009, elsewhere around the world animal suffering continues. For example, it is required by law in China for all foreign cosmetics companies, (therefore, all the big cosmetics brands that are sold in China) must undergo animal testing.
Some of these big brands include Chanel, Dior, MAC, Calvin Klein, Covergirl, Maybelline, Garnier, Michael Kors, Dolce & Gabbana, L’Oreal and Nivea, brands we come across every day in beauty shops.
If there is a way to save our furry friends why not take it?
Every year, more and more people join this cause and choose to only use cruelty-free cosmetics.
You can find what brands or products are Cruelty-Free in the following websites:
- Cruelty-Free International
- Cruelty-Free Kitty
Both of these will inform you of the huge range of cruelty-free projects available, not only cosmetics but also cleaning supplies and toiletries.