One must wonder how Jeremy Corbyn truly sleeps at night. There is no doubt that during the 2017 General Election, he conducted a more sophisticated and organised campaign than many in the Conservative Party expected, thereby gaining more seats than many pollsters anticipated. He is able to reach out to people Theresa May could only dream to win the support of and he does this by pouring pints and speaking at this year's Glastonbury Festival and providing TV presenters with jars of jam he grew himself. His most recent antic is his future appearance on Gogglebox, a series which explores the lives of "ordinary Brits" who spend their evenings allowing Channel 4 to film their reactions to the latest television programmes.
Whoever is advising him knows exactly what they are doing.
The quality of the candidates who are representing this party in Parliament has sunk to an all time low
However, that does not excuse the fact that under his leadership, the Labour Party has transformed into an utter joke. The quality of the candidates who are representing this party in Parliament has sunk to an all time low. Take Clive Lewis. Before Jared O'Mara made headlines with his shocking history of misogyny and homophobia, Mr. Lewis was filmed ordering a woman to get on their knees, before adding the word b****. But the Sheffield Hallam MP's comments represent something more profound. They demonstrate how morally bankrupt the hard-left now selecting Labour's candidates to fight general elections are.
It is concerning that this is the potential future of Britain's main opposition party.
Yet what is even more worrying is that they are on the verge of entering Downing Street. The Prime Minister is right to remain in her position to oversee Brexit, but the lack of stamina coming from CCHQ to fight Corbyn's Labour Party is appalling.
Their efforts to mount an effective social media campaign are embarrassing. The recent "Conservative Campaign" app is uninspiring. It is hardly making a difference to the Tories' online presence. To give credit where it is due, at least they are re-establishing the Young Conservatives to compete with Corbyn's Momentum (no pun intended).
All this is not enough
But all this is not enough. The economy is recovering, but many people are refusing to feel the effects. The Conservatives must do more to tackle Corbyn's dangerous vision for this country. The Tories should use footage from the Cold War days or Venezuela to remind millennials too young to remember the Soviet Union what they are voting for, even if the Labour Leader has disguised it as a package of "hope."
No one will argue that Corbyn's Labour Party is evil, but the Tories are still failing to call him out.