Having trouble deciding how to diet, why not try the plan that has been sweeping the world for decades, even centuries, that guarantees weight loss within the first 2 weeks! Experts have revealed that by following this plan you will lose weight instantly and join the millions of people who already have had 100% success at losing weight by following the third-world diet.
You can gain admiration from your peers for looking severely malnourished and hide the insecurities with a new bunch of 'beautiful' friends, after ditching your previously 'ugly' ones.
What is the 'third-world diet'?
The diet plan is to starve and it follows the simple principle that has been followed in most third world countries around the world. If you just stop eating you will see the weight fall off and you will be looking incredibly thin in no time at all. Millions of people around the world already subscribe to this diet and the results are clear, you just need to see the videos yourself. The side-effects of the diet include severe malnourishment, depression, low self-esteem, tiredness, increase of infections or illness, weak muscles and eventually lead to an early death.
Join the growing Number of participants today. With cuts hitting low-income families -income families hard some are grateful for the Government after it forced them to rethink their diets.
One in four families in the UK are slowly cutting food out of their diet and the government are actively supporting this diet plan by reducing the amount low-income families can receive and ensuring inflation stays high. One of the success stories of the current government has been the rise in numbers to this new diet regime within the UK.