In June of 2016, more than a year ago, Britain voted to leave the EU. Since then various experts and not so experts have been trying to figure out what could be the consequences of this action.
How did we get this far?
One of the main faces of the leave campaign, Boris Johnson was claiming that not less than 350 million pounds out of 17.8 billion pounds a year could be saved in what is the cost the UK has to pay in return for the membership. Since then the figure was corrected after Johnson was publicly rebuked for this misleading information which had helped him win a campaign.
The correct figure is almost half of it, 8.4 billion. This is still a lot of money, which according to Johnson could be much better distributed. Another claim that the leave campaigners liked to highlight is that the UK pays more than most of the EU members. Which is true, in terms of contribution the UK is second after Germany. But the situation is different if you divide this amount by the number of people living in the country. On the per-head contribution list, the UK is in the 8th position out of 12, while the Netherlands is in the first place, paying four times as much as Britain.
And while experts estimate a 4% GDP loss, that's 75 billion pounds with the country's leaving, it looks like the UK might need to pay another 18 billion pounds in a two-year transition period after March 2019.
Teresa May's aim is to have a successful final agreement with the EU which would make the leaving as smooth as possible. She says;
"If we can do that, then when this chapter of our European history is written, it will be remembered not for the differences we faced, but for the vision we showed; not for the challenges we endured but for the creativity we used to overcome them; not for a relationship that ended but a new partnership that began."
She's got some expectations, I have to say, after being put in a position where a whole country and its people's future is on the table.
Nobody would have thought that back then when a childish political game was started.
Why did the majority of people vote to leave?
One could say it's because they supported the idea that the UK could control who comes in the country, this from what the media was saying was because of the migrant crisis. Others, like Gordon Brown former Prime Minister, says that it's because of globalisation.
A survey by the Washington Post at the time agreed with him. In places which were more affected by foreign products - mostly Chinese - the percentage of voters on the leave side was systematically bigger than on the other side.
We shouldn't forget that the UK will need to open up other markets and the most desirable candidates are China and the US.
To summarise
An elected leader, who was supposed to represent the people who voted for him was so busy playing political games that he put a whole country's future into the public's hand to make a decision that even a well-educated economist would have struggled with. The majority of people voted to - as it turned out - save their country from the merciless teeth of globalisation and saw a future as an independent country.
Now the same government is trying to make deals with even bigger economies than the EU, all this with the person in the prime minister's chair who wasn't much bothered they won a campaign with a lie. Can't wait for the next step...