Having grown in number since the 9/11 attacks, the Truth Movement is quickly becoming a persecuted minority comparable to the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

It was only 50 years ago that homosexuality was deemed an illegal act between consenting male adults and a mere 12 years ago before being a transgender person was recognised as legal in Law.

The LGBT community suffered years of victimisation and persecution, (and still does in Muslim countries) the same of which is happening to the Truth Movement today in the UK and America.

The Truth Movement is being persecuted as once was the LGBT Community

Made up of people from all walks of life and from across the world, the Truth Movement is a collection of like-minded people who disbelieve the official narratives of government and believe what the majority of mainstream Society deem as impossible. You only need to check out Youtube to watch the thousands and thousands of videos calling into question the moon landings, the shape of the Earth, the make up of space, technology, history, Politics and medicine.

Take for example David Icke and Chris Spivey, both leading men in the Truth Movement.

David Icke believes in a reptilian race which has existed alongside modern man, but has been ridiculed and dismissed as a loony; while Chris Spivey has been convicted of harassment for calling into question the alleged murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich, branded a 'Twisted Conspiracy Theorist' by the UK's national newspapers.

Telling the truth is a revolutionary act

In George Orwell's classic dystopian novel 1984, he wrote, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Nothing could be further from the truth today.

Millions of people across the world don't believe the government's version of what happened on 9/11 and 7/7. Just as the LGBT community fought for their beliefs to be adopted by society at large, the Truth community find themselves in the same position.

David Cameron shamelessly spoke at the U.N Security Council, and labelled anyone who believes there’s a global conspiracy being commanded by a Jewish cabal, as non-violent extremists. While millions of law-biding people across the world believe just that, and are thrown to the wolves labelled anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.

The fact Chris Spivey's 2015 conviction of harassment against the family of murdered soldier Lee Rigby was upheld, equates to the government convicting a homosexual man of homosexuality.

You cannot force a homosexual man to be heterosexual; nor can you force a transgender person to conform to the gender they were born with, but in today's society, anyone who disbelieves the official government’s narrative can be branded a criminal and be persecuted and ridiculed by a compliant press.

Catch 22

In the same way you cannot force a gay man to be straight, you cannot force someone to deny their truth, once they've woken up to it. Spivey's conviction of harassing the Rigby family was upheld on the strength that Lee Rigby existed and that his murder was not a conspiracy, but Spivey and millions more, will never stop believing that Lee Rugby never actually existed and that his murder was a conspiracy.

Having come to this conclusion through research and a critical analysis of the events on the fateful day in Woolwich on May 22 2013, Spivey published his article 'The Drummer Man,' which has never been debunked. He simply conducted his research and published his findings.

While the mother of Lee Rigby, Lyn Rigby says, "It suggests that my grieving family has somehow done something wrong," the fact that Spivey suggests she has done something wrong, (with the assistance of Crown and State) reveals the Catch 22.

‘The Drummer Man’ article has never been properly investigated in a court of Law, which in itself suggests that yes indeed, something terribly wrong exists at the very heart of the British Establishment and its judicial system.

The Truth Movement demands their rights too…