India's current PM Mr. Narendra Modi has already charmed the country and even the world political scene has acknowledged his presence as an influencer rather than just a follower. After a thumping debut on the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter which got him immense support. Mr. Modi has now debuted on the famous on-line social photo sharing medium called Instagram, and with that he has marked his presence in almost all important social media websites apart from just Tinder.
As soon as Mr. Modi posted his first picture on his Instagram account on Wednesday 12th November 2014, he was flooded by more than thirty eight thousand followers and the number has now reached over ninety thousand followers.
The social media savvy Prime Minister's first picture on Instagram was that of a golden bordered red carpet leading to a huge billboard which he posted while being present at ASEAN Summit. He also very intelligently posted a picture of himself clicking his debut Instagram picture on Twitter which again went on to receive massive Re-tweets and comments. His first words on Instagram were a Hello to the Instagram world and displaying his pleasure to be on the social media website.
With his Instagram debut as one more feather in his social media cap, Mr. Modi can now be called as the most tech-savvy Prime Minister India has ever seen. He is currently using same images as his profile picture for both his Instagram & Twitter accounts which might be a way to maintain consistency but his persona demands a much more inspiring picture.
While the social media world is not new to political leaders debuting on it, the best example being Mr. Obama whose account consists of his pictures with his wife and family, and all good things of life and the happy moments are shared. Mr. Obama also very nicely makes use of the best photo filters available making the picture look a notch higher.
The pictures shared by Mr. Modi have no filters applied and thus it can become a bit dull and boring after a while. Well for now we will have to wait and watch how Mr. Modi colours Instagram with his photography skills in the coming days.