Jamie Talbot, managing direction at Skyline Marketing hosted a development workshop centred on the importance of SMART Goals.

Skyline Marketing is an outsourced sales and direct marketing firm based in Liverpool. The firm specialises in a unique form of marketing which allows them to connect with their clients’ ideal consumers on a face-to-face basis. This one-to-one interaction with consumers helps to drive long-lasting and personal business relationships between brand and consumer.

In turn, this often leads to increased customer acquisition, brand awareness and brand loyalty for their clients.

Talbot went on to reveal what the acronym actually means.

S - Specific, significant, stretching

M- Measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - Agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R - Realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T - Time-based, time-bounds, timely, tangible, track-able

The businessman feels the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is actually having goals and states that SMART goals often encourage more success. Talbot believes that those who set goals will inevitably be thinking bigger, want more than the average person and be willing to do more in order to get more, as opposed to someone who does not set goals.

In the workshop, Talbot shared a number of statistics with the firm’s contractors including how to be in the top percentage of earners in the UK a person needs to be earning:

£45,000 to be in the top 10%, £60,000 a year to be in the top 5% and £150,000 a year to be in the top 1%. The entrepreneur also revealed how there are 14.6 million millionaires in the world and highlighted how, though this may sound like a lot, with seven billion people in the world that means only 0.0002% of the world are millionaires.

Skyline Marketing also revealed there is nothing special about the people who have achieved this status, they simply achieved this because they thought bigger than everybody else and were able to apply the SMART goals to their work.

The firm highlighted how there is no reason that anyone in the firm couldn’t go on to do the same and encouraged their contractors to start setting these SMART goals to be in that top percentage.

Learn more about the company here and like them on Facebook, if you fancy.

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