We can learn to train our attention capacity, in order to improve our Concentration levels, and in this way increase our productivity. The brain, like any other organ, is fatigued and needs periods of rest to recover its good level of functioning. Just as the heart or any other organ, it cannot be at its maximum performance for too long periods of time. The same thing happens with the brain, and in fact to protect ourselves, if we do not stop the activity, our organism forces us to stop, diverting attention.
Concentration is like a muscle
When we have been working tirelessly for a long time, the level of concentration decreases interference increases and productivity decreases. Several studies show that it is complicated for sustained attention to remain more than 25 minutes in a row, so it is good to introduce 5-minute breaks every 25 minutes of work. It is about training attention, concentration, being more productive, and the fact of having limited time will help us improve attention capacity. To be more hours does not mean to produce better, productivity is measured by the number of objectives achieved, not by the time spent.
To improve our attention, the idea is to introduce a break of 5 minutes every 25; nevertheless, we must be careful with the activities to be carried out in that rest. It is not about continuing with the book, or check the computer, email or social network, in which we continue to strain the view, posture, and activities of cognitive type; the idea is to get up, stretch the muscles, look out the window to change the angle of focus and try to fix the view at a distant point, take advantage of that time to go to the bathroom, or get some water. After those 5 minutes, we will go back to work, with a greater predisposition and better concentration.
The importance of nightly rest
We must not forget to respect the sleep-wake cycles.
Sleeping an adequate number of hours will help improve our levels of attention and concentration. The dream has a restorative function and restores the balance of the organism, and therefore it is fundamental for any type of activity, both physical and intellectual.
In addition, sleep helps consolidate the knowledge acquired during waking periods. If the task to be done is study or continuous work, it will be more difficult to move forward if you have not established the bases. There are studies that show that after having done a task, the learning of it improves after having slept. In addition, one of the functions of sleep is to reduce the level of anxiety. In fact, when we sleep little we wake up more irritable and we are more irascible, so sleep well and not alter the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness is essential to reduce stress. The regular practice of a sport helps to release muscle tension, which entails releasing mental tension. In addition, sport helps to maintain consistency and to set goals based on regular effort.