I likecoffee. But for a year now, I only drink it a few time a week and not for waking up.
Thereare many ways to boost your energy without caffeine. Theycan work even better then another cup of espresso and are – really are!– good for your health. Let me tell you what I do to wake up in themorning.
Numberone: to restart your whole body is a simple glass of waterwithin half an hour after waking up.
It was quite challenging to makeit a habit but now I do it automatically. You may add some lemon ifyou don't like plain water. This is still good to start the day andalso gives you additional vitamin C.
Anddon't stop – keep drinking water through the day to avoiddehydration. A lack of water makes some body systems work slower, andthus you feel tired even doing nothing. Besides, every cup ofcaffeinated drink requires an additional glass of water to keep thewater balance. If you work too hard and think of drinking water onlywhen your tongue is stuck to the palate, fill a bottle and put it onyour desk or set a reminder on your computer or smartphone for every2 hours.
Washyour face and body with cool water
Afterthe first morning glass of water I move to the bathroom. I wash myface with cool water, clean and gently massage my ears.There are a lot of acupressure points there, so don't overdo. Coolshower is also very good for boosting energy. Moreover, it canincrease your metabolism, strengthen your immune system and help yourhair and skin look better. But taking a shower is better after someexercise.Domorning exercise
I'mpretty sure you know about the energizing effect of physicalexercise. If you have not tried it yet – you definitely should.Yes, it can be extremely hard to make your body move when your brain isnot really awake yet, but the point is that some exercise gives you areally great amount of energy.
There's no need to lift heavy weightsor run a marathon – school level PT or some jogging or yogais enough.
For abetter effect you can turn on your favorite music or any radiostation – most have energetic play-lists in the morning (just useearphones not to wake up your family or neighbors).