Salman Khan's Bollywood movie “Race 3” has overtaken every other movie in the box office race and raked in Rs 29 crores ( £32 lakh) on the first day of its run. According to well-known trade analyst, Tarun Adarsh, the Film had the biggest opening in 2018.
The film collected a whopping Rs 38 crore ( £42 lakhs) on Saturday and Rs 39 crores on Sunday which takes the earnings tally to 106 crores (£1.2 million) in three days. The Eid celebrations could be a cause of some dampening effect, but the movie is expected to break all records on weekends.
This year there are larger than life cutouts of Salman around the theatres, and hundreds of customized "Race 3" T-shirts have been distributed.
And #Race3 scores a CENTURY... Crosses 💯 cr… Fourth Salman starrer to collect ₹ 100 cr mark in *3 days* [#BajrangiBhaijaan, #Sultan, #TigerZindaHai]... Fri 29.17 cr, Sat 38.14 cr, Sun 39.16 cr. Total: ₹ 106.47 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 18, 2018
Salman Khan's past records at the box-office
Salman Khan star movies “Bajrangi Bhaijaan,” “Sultan,” and “Tiger Zinda Hai,” have in the past crossed the Rs 100 crore mark (1.1 million pounds) in just three days. All eyes are tuned into the “Race 3” box-office run, and it seems the Sultan of Bollywood is getting better with each passing year.
In the past few years, failure has become a rarity, and the only flick which bombed at the box-office was “Tubelight.” “Race 3” has overtaken other blockbusters like Baaghi 2, "Padmaavat," “Veere Di Wedding” and “Padman” with its opening day collections.
The highest opening earning for any Bollywood movie in 2018 is held by “Baaghi 2.”
Salman versus Salman - first 3 days...#BajrangiBhaijaan ₹ 102.60 cr [Fri-Sun]#Sultan ₹ 105.53 cr [released on Wed; Wed-Fri]#Tubelight ₹ 64.77 cr [Fri-Sun]#TigerZindaHai ₹ 114.93 cr [Fri-Sun]#Race3 ₹ 106.47 cr [Fri-Sun]
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 18, 2018
India biz.
Eid lucky for Salman
Salman Khan is regularly releasing his films on Eid eve, and it seems it is his lucky charm.
This time, his first film for the year is being released on Eid eve, and already the flick has been declared one of the biggest hits. Directed by Remo Fernandes, who is better known for his dancing skills has made an incredible action film with breathtaking stunts and action scenes.
Salman had described his film as a significant movie from every aspect - music, emotion, action, youth, etc.
It will make you whistle and return home fully satisfied. It seems he is very correct.
With the next big-budget movie "Sanju," starring Ranbir Kapoor releasing on June 29, 2018, "Race 3' has another week to race at the box-office. Even though the movie received mixed reviews (mostly two stars out of five) from most trade analysts, the film continues to bewilder the critics at the box-office.
Unlike #TigerZindaHai, which enjoyed an uninterrupted run for few weeks, #Race3 has one more week to score... Rajkumar Hirani’s much-awaited #Sanju - which is high on hype - hits the screens on 29 June 2018... Obviously, the screens, shows and footfalls are bound to get divided.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 18, 2018
Variety wrote, "Race 3” is the sort of what-the-hell, anything-goes fantasia where two grrl-ish women pause before trying to beat the hell out of each other on the dance floor, and signal to the club DJ that some appropriate musical accompaniment would be appreciated."