The anticipated sequel to the surprise 2014 hit "Paddington" has finally launched a trailer. Based on the classic book series by Michael Bond, the first Film followed Peruvian bear Paddington travelling to London after being forced to separate from his aunt and uncle. Taken in by the quirky Brown family at the train station he's named after, Paddington has to adjust to London life while being pursued by the evil and mysterious Millicent (Nicole Kidman).
With a 98 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a $268 box office return, it's safe to say that the public loved this film as much as the bear's love for marmalade.
Bigger and cuter
Having settled in with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, Peruvian bear Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) wishes to buy a pop-up book for his Aunt Lucy's (voiced by Imelda Staunton) one-hundredth birthday. Trying and failing in his adorable fashion to get a job, he meets jaded actor Phoenix Buchanan (Hugh Grant), who also happens to be patriarch Henry's (Hugh Bonneville), new client. After Phoenix steals the book and frames the innocent bear, Paddington is arrested and has to endure living with other prisoners, including Knuckles McGinty (Brendan Gleeson).
Along with the Brown family and some quirky new faces, Paddington must prove his innocence and capture master of disguise loose in London.
So darn cute
Given that sequels normally try to do the same story only bigger, it's easy to be apprehensive. While the trailer has similar story beats to the first film (including a callback to the infamous teaser trailer), at the end of the day it's not exactly the same. Continuing the story and character development, I was genuinely charmed throughout. The whimsical tone of the first film and the books remain intact, and the story's simplicity is ultimately what makes it work. While the film is bigger in stakes and scale, director Paul King clearly knows when to set a limit so the root of the story isn't forgotten.
Visually, the film is eye-popping. With a bright colour palette giving London a whimsically storybook edge, it succeeds in making the seemingly mundane look like a fantasy. The CGI on "Paddington" is as wonderful it was in its predecessor. With fantastic attention to detail which incorporates realism with childlike wonder, it thankfully doesn't fall into the uncanny valley. The slapstick humour incorporated is genuinely funny and endearing for young and older children without resorting to toilet, sex or pop culture jokes.
Charmingly British Cast
To call the cast charming would be an understatement. The returning characters keep their quirky and endearing personalities while maintaining their development from the first film.
Ben Whishaw's "Paddington" is still as adorably innocent as ever while settling in with his family in London, Hugh Bonneville's Henry still loves Paddington while keeping his stiff upper lipped personality and Sally Hawkins' Mary is still as quirky as ever. Julie Walters also returns as madcap housekeeper Mrs. Bird and 'Doctor Who' actor Peter Capaldi as cranky neighbour Mr. Curry and Jim Broadbent as the eccentric Mr. Gruber make brief appearances in the trailer.
Taking over from Nicole Kidman's Millicent as the villain is Hugh Grant as a faded actor turned criminal Phoenix Buchanan, clearly intended to be a parody of Grant himself. Although a bit sillier than Kidman's Millicent, Grant clearly looks like he's having a ball in this role, hamming it up in Buchanan's many disguises.
With acclaim for his performance in "Florence Foster Jenkins", this looks like a return to form for the British actor. Brendan Gleeson also joins the cast as Knuckles McGinty, a prisoner who helps Paddington prove his innocence. Other new cast members confirmed are Joanna Lumley (because any film is better with Joanna Lumley) and 'The IT Crowd star Richard Ayoade.
"Paddington 2" will be released on November 10th in UK and January 12th, 2018 in the U.S.