Michael Jackson’s legion of devoted fans face the prospect of viewing a rather intriguing film in the future featuring the singer’s chimpanzee Bubbles. The stop-motion animated film will cover the King Of Pop’s life as viewed from the perspective of his beloved simian companion.
Netflix demonstrate their determination
Despite the reported $20m figure (£15.45m) required to win the bidding war at the Cannes Film Festival marketplace for the worldwide rights, Netflix’s determination to capture the much-desired screenplay was evident. They were clearly impressed that the novel idea had previously topped the 2015 Black List, a collection of Hollywood's best unproduced screenplays, which has been a source of many Academy Award winning films over the years.
Interest in Jackson’s life and music remains big business across the world, many years after the much-missed megastar’s death in 2009 at the age of just 50. Classic albums including “Thriller”, “Bad” and “Off the Wall” have provided a musical legacy for future generations to enjoy with fondness, and have cemented his place among the biggest selling artists of all time.
Bubbles immortalised alongside Jackson
Bubbles is also fondly remembered by many people and was immortalised alongside Jackson in 1988 by the American artist Jeff Koons. The distinctive porcelain sculptures that he created drew a degree of interest from the art world in general, with one of the three identical works fetching a staggering $5.6m at a 2001 Sotheby’s sale.
Close relationship developed
The rather bizarre but clearly affectionate relationship - that developed after Jackson adopted the baby chimpanzee from a Texas research facility in the 80s - was captured by Isaac Adamson in the screenplay. Bubbles became an integral part of the “Billie Jean” star’s life, being afforded a bed in his bedroom in California at the famous Neverland ranch.
Celebrity status also resulted for the high-profile chimp in his own right, after he appeared in several television and film projects.
Story told through Bubbles’ eyes
Narrating his own story, Bubbles the Chimp details his life within the musician’s inner circle and incorporates the scandals that later unsettled Jackson’s personal life and eventually led to Bubbles’ release.
At the grand age of 34, Bubbles is now said to spend much of his time in a far more natural setting, sitting in a tree in a sanctuary in Florida.