Bahubali 2 19 days Box Office collection: - S S Rajamouli's Bahubali 2 is continuing its dream run at the ticket window and it is heading towards Rs 1400-crore mark at the worldwide box office. On third Tuesday, the movie grossed Rs 17.74 crores at the worldwide box office, which is a good amount for Prabhas's fantasy drama on a weekday after the end of its third-weekend run.
let's check the collections below.
Bahubali 2 19 days collection at the Indian box office
In the Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the movie raked Rs 2.15 crores on the 19th day of its release, taking the total collection to Rs 175.23 crores with a gross amount of Rs 261 crores approximately.
While the Tamilnadu collection in 19 days grossed Rs 107.5 crores approximately at the ticket window. In the Kerela and Karnataka, Prabhas's movie grossed Rs 56.1 crores and Rs 100.2 crores approximately.
From the Hindi version, the film minted Rs 6.25 crores nett approximately on third Tuesday, taking the total collection to Rs 446 crores with a gross amount of Rs 624.4 crores.
On the whole, S S Rajamouli's 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 1149.21 crores from the Indian box office in its 19 days run.
Overseas collection in 19 days
In the USA, the movie grossed $184k on third Tuesday, taking the total collection to $19.35 million approximately.
On the other hand, the film grossed Rs 140 crores approximately from the overseas box office in its 19 days run.
The total overseas collection of 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' in International markets till now is Rs 264.10 crores.
Total worldwide box office collection in 19 days
Overall, S S Rajamouli - Prabhas's magnum opus 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 1413.30 crores from the worldwide box office in its 19 days run with a distributor share amount of Rs 711.72 crores approximately.
As the film's worldwide theatrical rights were sold for Rs 350 crores, Bahubali 2 made a decent profit of Rs 361.98 crores for its distributors in its 19 days run.
Note: overseas figures were corrected after receiving the data for some regions which aren't updated earlier.