Bahubali 2 17 days box office collection: - S S Rajamouli's Bahubali 2 is unstoppable at the ticket window. The movie now entered Rs 1300-crore club at the worldwide box office by the end of its third weekend run. Especially the film is superb strong in Hindi markets without any major drops at the box office since its release and it is heading towards Rs 500-crore mark in its closing run. lets check 17 days collection below.
Bahubali 2 17 days Indian box office collection
In the Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the movie raked Rs 4.32 crores on third Sunday, taking the total collection to Rs 170.70 crores share with a gross amount of Rs 252.8 crores.
While the Tamilnadu collection in 17 days grossed Rs 105.8 crores and the film grossed Rs 94.5 crores approximately from the Karnataka box office.
In the Kerela, Prabhas's fantasy drama grossed Rs 54.7 crores by the end of its third weekend run at the ticket window.
From the Hindi version, the movie minted Rs 17.75 crores nett on third Sunday, taking the total collection to Rs 432.75 crores nett with a gross amount of Rs 605.85 crores.
By the end of its third weekend run, 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' grossed Rs 1113.65 crores from the Indian box office.
Overseas collection in 17 days
In the USA, the movie grossed $547k at the ticket window on third Sunday, taking the total collection to $19.1 million.
From the rest of the world, Bahubali 2 grossed Rs 101 crores approximately at the ticket window.
On the whole, the film grossed Rs 223.3 crores from the International markets in its 17 days run.
Total 17 days worldwide collection
Overall, S S Rajamouli - Prabhas's magnum opus 'Baahubali: The conclusion' grossed Rs 1336.95 crores from the worldwide box office by the end of its third weekend run with a distributor share amount of Rs 666.8 crores.
Now, the film is eyeing towards Rs 1500-crore mark at the ticket window in its closing run. On the other hand, no major competition from new releases, which released last Friday, is an advantage for Baahubali 2 to continue its dream run in forthcoming days.