Baahubali star Prabhas teamed up with director Sujeeth of 'Run Raja Run' fame for his 19th movie bankrolled by UV Creations banner. Being made on a whopping budget of Rs 150 crores in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi Languages, Prabhas 19 is one of the most exciting projects in actor's career after Baahubali. A few days ago, the filmmakers confirmed that the teaser of Prabhas 19 is going to be unveiled along with 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' on April 28th.
Now, the makers unveiled the Title of Prabhas - Sujeeth's 150-crore movie, which comes in as a special surprise for the fans of the actor ahead of teaser release on April 28th. The filmmakers opted out for a single title in all the three languages, which is named as 'saaho'. It was further confirmed by the movie team that the film is going to be a high-octane action drama and International stunt choreographer Kenny Bates of 'Transformers' fame is going to look after the action episodes in the film.
Director Sujeeth confirmed the Title and teaser release date
The director Sujeeth confirmed the Title and teaser release date on his micro-blogging twitter platform as well.
Bollywood music trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy are composing the tunes for the film and Madhie is handling the cinematography of this Magnum Opus project. Neil Nitin Mukesh will be seen as the antagonist and the film is going to have two leading ladies.
Teaser was shot separately before the movie's shoot
For the first time in Tollywood History, a film's teaser portion was shot before the start of movie's actual shoot. As Prabhas gained Nationwide fame after Baahubali, the makers want to cash on the craze of the star and hence in order to meet the deadline of attaching the teaser along with 'Baahubali: The Conclusion' movie, which releasing on April 28th, they first picturised the teaser portion sequences of the movie.
However, it was indeed a great strategy from the movie team to build up the hype for 'Saaho' along with the release of 'Baahubali: The Conclusion'.