Its time of happiness for Superstar Shiva Rajkumar fans as his new movie "Srikanta" reached the theaters on January 06, 2017. This film comes after Shiva's debacle movie "Santheyalli Ninta Kabira" which was released six months back.
Huge rushes were witnessed in the early morning shows as the actor's fans erected cut-outs all over Bangalore. They were also seen coming to the theaters beating drums and music.
A socially relevant subject
Conveying a relevant social message, filmmaker Manju Swaraj has crafted the movie in such a way that it will impress audiences of all genre.
With adequate commercial elements, he has delivered a top-notch entertainer which will surely emerge as another feather in the crown for Superstar Shiva.
Actor Shivaraj Kumar, the son of Kannada legend Dr. Rajkumar, is known for choosing films that have some solid and unique story in it.
Watch 'Srikanta' trailer
This film too has a relevant social message for the audience. Even though the filmmaker has used various masala elements, he has also made sure that a social message has been conveyed.
The action scenes were choreographed well, and Shiva Rajkumar once again proved that he is one of the best actors in the South Indian industry while performing stunt sequences.
Inspired from 'A Wednesday' or Thank You'?
The story of the film revolves around the common man who fights against the evils of the society. In the beginning, we can see a riot-filled Karnataka which is completely gripped in a state of chaos. Later, the hero enters the scene, and he starts repairing the system in his unique way.
Karunaada Chakravarthy #DrShivanna's Promising Flick #Srikanta Hitting Theaters on #Jan6#ManjuSwaraj @AJANEESHB
— (@cineloka) December 27, 2016
One of the major highlights of this movie is its realistic way of narration. No scenes in this film went over the board, and the director deserves a special pat for this effort.
#Srikanta's releasing today!! Was an honor acting with #ShivaRajKumar Sir!! Hope you all enjoy the movie!! ☺️🙏🏻❤️
— Chandini Sreedharan (@IamChandini) January 6, 2017
Shiva Rajkumar, as always excelled in his respective role, and he shared a scintillating on-screen chemistry with co-star Chandini Sreedharan.
Box-office predictions
Most of the theaters in Karnataka are witnessing huge initial pull; the reason is nothing but the unquestionable star power of Shiva Rajkumar. In all probabilities, the film will gross more than Rs 10 Crores by the end of this opening weekend.
Watch the breathtaking stunt from the movie featuring Shivanna
Karunaada Chakravarthy Dr.Shivanna Daring Stunt in #Srikanta.. Hats off Shivanna for the commitment.. #Mustwatch@AJANEESHB @ShivuaDDa
— (@PopcornKannada) January 2, 2017