With just 10 days to Pongal, the theaters of Tamil Nadu are expected to be packed for the most awaited movie of the season, “Bairavaa” during their festive season. Under the banner of Vijaya Productions, this commercial entertainer written and directed by Bharathan will be seen with Keerthi Suresh, Sathish, Jagapathi Babu and Daniel Balaji in pivotal roles besides Ilayathalapathy Vijay in the main lead.
The music score has been woven by Santhosh Narayanan who is said to have done a magnificent job. The movie has been causing quite a stir for clocking 10 million views on YouTube on its teaser which was released on Diwali.
New Year’s Eve dedicated to Vijaya’s fans
To mentally psyche up the movie, the team of “Bairavaa” released a 1-minute 48-second trailer on the New Year’s Eve which was like a spark to the already high expectations, with punching dialogues and action flicks. The trailer also precludes the romantic chemistry between Keerthy Suresh and Vijaya with equally powerful antagonism from Jagapati Babu, the negative character in the movie.
Scheduled to be released on 12th January 2017, the movie is expected to overshadow Vijaya’s last massive hit “Theri.”
Watch 'Bhairava' trailer:
Tamil region ready to envelop Pongal and Vijaya
It has all spices and ingredients to soar high such as gratifying and death-defying action sequences, charming his lady love moments(though she seems nothing like a mere show candy), fighting corrupt and influential officials and emerging as a one-man army winner.
Set your favourite song from #Bairavaa as your callertune. #BairavaaCRBT pic.twitter.com/1g4OlST2je
— Bairavaa (@BairavaaFilm) January 2, 2017
It is no secret that Ilayathalapathy with his charming gimmicks has become one of the most sought after actors of Tamil cinema and has procured immense love from the audience and no wonder YouTube was flooded with 4 million views in just days of the release of its trailer.
Wanna know the meaning of #Mass ?? Here it is #Ilayathalapathy @actorvijay in & as #Bairavaa #TheBossOfMass pic.twitter.com/dhV0YiEbsl
— Sathya NJ (@NjSatz) January 2, 2017
The film is scheduled for a grand release across the world on January 12. 2017, in record number of screens.
10 million views for the teaser, 4 million views for the trailer, does it leave any doubt what will be the fate of the movie?