Suriya's 'Singam 3' (aka S3, C3) release was said to be postponed as per the latest updates. The 'Singam 3' movie which was supposed to release on December 23rd, 2016 was postponed to January 26th. Early in the morning, the production house studio green clarified that 'Singam' was releasing as per the schedule of January 26th worldwide but now in the afternoon there were reports that the movie may not release on Jan. 26th, 2017. Malayalam review wrote on their twitter that "#Singam3 Postponed Again. Good For Tn - Bad News For Other Area Distributors".
So the suspense and speculation on postponements are still on. Even though morning the production house confirmed that movie released as per the schedule, there was news that movie being postponed in the afternoon. Finally, let's wait three more days to know whether 'Singam 3' releases as per the schedule on Jan. 26 or not?
'Singam 3' is third one from the series
Suriya's 'Singam 3' is the third one from the series of 'Singam'. The first one was a super hit and the second one remained as above average and now the actor is coming up with third part 'Singam' directed by Hari. Harris Jayaraj composed the music for this Hari directional project and it was produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja, Dhaval Jayanthilal Gada.
Anushka Shetty and Shruti Haasan are playing the female lead roles in this cop drama. Stylish model, Thakur Anoop Singh is seen as the antagonist role. The teaser was a huge hit among the audience which crossed 1 crore views and garnered 123k likes. So the expectations are huge on this movie as audience expecting more action and power packed performance from the Suriya than in first and second parts.
Movie will miss big opportunity if postponed from Jan. 26
The movie will miss a big opportunity of scoring well at Two Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana if it was postponed from Jan. 26th as there are no big releases in Telugu states this week and Suriya's movie can enjoy 1 week box office run with no competition until the release of Nani's 'Nenu Local' on Feb. 3rd.