'Raees' six (6) days collections box office collection in India:- Shah Rukh Khan's 'Raees' six days collections at the Indian box office crossed Rs 100 crore club. This is the seventh movie of the actor to reach Rs 100 crore club. After a long time, Shah Rukh Khan's movie reached 100 crores mark within a less time of six days itself. This is really a phenomenal performance at the box office from 'Raees' movie despite mixed reviews and tough competition at the box office from the Hrithik Roshan's 'Kaabil' movie. let's check the six days India collections of Shah Rukh Khan's 'Raees' movie below.
'Raees' six days India collections
The movie released on Jan 20th opened up with a decent opening at the Indian box office by minting Rs 20.4 crores nett on first day of its release. On the second day the film collected Highest amount in a single day until now which is Rs 26.5 crores nett. The third-day collections have seen a little dip by minting Rs 13.3 crores nett. On Saturday, the film minted Rs 15.2 crores nett and on Sunday, it collected Rs 17.8 crores.The sixth day collections of 'Raees' at the Indian box office are close to Rs 7.5 crores.
The total six days collections of 'Raees' movie at the Indian box office are Rs 100.7 crores nett. The gross collections of the movie in 6 days are Rs 140.98 crores.
Thus the movie maintained consistency at the ticket window on weekday as well to reach Rs 100 crore club. Going by the trend, the movie might collect above Rs 150 crores nett in its total run at the ticket window.
Shah Rukh Khan 100 crores films
Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan now has seven movies which entered Rs 100 crore club.
His list of films which entered 100 crore club are as follows below
- Happy New Year (205 )
- Chennai Express (226.7)
- Dilwale (148)
- Ra one (115)
- Jab Tak Hi Jaan (120.65)
- don 2 (106)
- Raees (100.7*)
Thus 'Chennai Express' is highest collected one among Shah Rukh Khan's films. If the 'Raees' movie maintains consistency for two to three weeks then it will have chances to surpass that movie's collections otherwise, it will end up collecting above Rs 150 crores nett in the total run.
So let's wait and see how the movie performs in its forthcoming days at the ticket window.