Shah Rukh Khan's 2 days (second-day) collections at the Indian and overseas box office estimation will be updated here. Before checking two days collections of 'Raees' movie at the box office, let's see the box office collections of the 'Raees' on the first day. The film minted Rs 20.42 crores nett at the Indian markets and the gross amount is Rs 28.5 crores. On the other hand, the movie minted $1.5 million from the International markets on the first day of its release.
The total first-day collections of 'Raees' at the worldwide ticket window are Rs 36.6 crores gross. let's check second-day collections estimation below.
'Raees' two days (second day) collections at Indian BO
The film performed well at the ticket window on day 2 of its release as it was a Holiday across the country on the eve of Republic day. The movie minted close to Rs 27 crores nett at the Indian markets on second day of its release.
The total two days collections of 'Raees' at the Indian markets will be close to Rs 47.5 crores nett and the gross amount will be close to Rs 66.5 crores.
overseas 2 days collection of 'Raees'
The movie was expected to do well on the second day too at the International markets after the good start at the box office on day 1 of its release. it was expected to collect between $1.3 to $1.9 million on the second day at the overseas box office.
The total 2 days overseas collections are expected to be between $2.8 to $3.4 million.
Total two days worldwide collections of 'Raees' estimation
The total two days worldwide collections of 'Raees' were expected to be between Rs 85.5 to 89.5 crores gross. Thus the movie is having the good run at the box office and it was expected to continue ruling the box office till the weekend.
Going by the trend, 'Raees' movie can easily enter Rs 200 crores gross club at the worldwide box office in its total run at the ticket window. After a long time, Shah Rukh Khan's movie is performing extremely well at the ticket window which is making his fans feel happy after seeing 'Raees' collections.