The popular cartoon series Scooby Doo periodically referred to “those pesky kids”, but a new indie group from Cumbria seem to be determined to attract a wider appeal from their “Pesky!” band name. The pre-teenage group have impressed Fierce Panda Records so much, that they have given them a record deal.
After school class origins
While most 11 and 12-year-olds from Ulverston are probably unsure of their future career aspirations, the seven-strong band seem to be crystal clear of the direction they want to take. Formed from members of the more traditionally-named Croftlands Junior School Guitar Club, their budding abilities were nurtured at the after school class.
Their blossoming writing skills could yet take them to the top in the music industry, after choosing to put cover versions to one side and to develop their own material instead.
Seven-piece line-up
Pesky! are comprised of the combined talents of vocalists Megan and Niamh, Harry on drums, with Patsy, Kate, Joseph and Jessica providing the musical instrumentation to round out their fledgling sound. Homework isn’t a diversion that many aspiring musicians have to fit in to their schedule, but the group members seem to be fitting that and rehearsals into their hectic days.
Album being released
Although like their peers they are currently enjoying a welcome break for their summer holidays, that was not before the precocious talents had completed their mini-album “Smells Like Tween Spirit” which is due for release in October.
What Nirvana would had made of the title, considering the amazing success that their near identically named album had, is perhaps a question for another day.
Pedigree to their record label
Their London-based record label certainly boasts quite a pedigree in the Music industry, having helped to initiate the fledgling careers of no less than Coldplay and Keane in the past.
The independent label were clearly impressed when the band’s teacher Simon Cross made contact with them, drawing attention to their material.
Critical acclaim
The band also seem to be gradually winning the critics over. Huw Stephens from Radio 1 has named them as one of his favourite acts at present, giving his backing for the single “Keep Me” in NME recently.
With precious airtime on Radio 1 and 6 Music having already been secured, a key element to their potential success in terms of promotion is off and running. Backing that up is the potential for exposure at music festivals in the UK, although their ages prevent them from a full tour yet. They have also already appeared on television on the BBC Breakfast sofa.
Hoping for more than pocket money
Kate wrote the track “Keep Me” and told the BBC that she felt “really excited” when she heard that her music was being played on the radio. Demonstrating a keen business focus, she added that if people bought the CD then “maybe we can get paid.”