The Punjabi Film industry fans are going crazy for the upcoming film 'Sardaar Ji'. The cast includes the heartthrob Diljit Dosanjh, the ravishing Neeru Bajwa and the gorgeous Mandy Takhar. The film also stars the evergreen Jaswinder Bhalla in a supporting role and the vivacious Sonam Bajwa in a special appearance. 'Sardaar Ji' is directed by Rohit Jugraj and is all set to hit the theatres on June 26th.

It seems like the director is trying his hands at a novel genre including a wonderful star cast, a scintillating spirit played by Neeru Bajwa, a supremely talented ghost buster played by Diljit Dosanjh. The audience is surely in for a surprise as there is going to be some really sizzling chemistry between the lead pair. It comes as no surprise that Rohit Jugraj is going to challenge stereotypes by using a melange of innovative ingredients to 'wow' his audiences.

Rohit Jugraj has earlier directed 'Jatt James Bond', which starred the superstar Gippy Grewal and the talented Zarine Khan. 'Jatt James Bond' went on to become one of the biggest blockbusters of the year 2014.

In his second film, Rohit is trying a totally alien genre that has not been tried in the Punjabi film industry before. It is a challenging genre as the advancement of a fantasy film is tedious, but we will have to wait till June 26th to see the final outcome.

The film has been shot across strikingly refreshing locations in England and Canada. Many scenes have also been shot in Craigdarroch Castle in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Craigdarroch Castle is a historic, Victorian-era Scottish Baronial mansion.

The director has maintained his stance over the fact that 'Sardaar Ji' isn't a thriller rather it is a 'family entertainer' to entice all and sundry. The film has created quite a buzz and the lead actors Diljit Dosanjh and Mandy Takhar have been involved in rigorous promotions throughout the world.

'Sardaar Ji' will pull the crowds in cinema halls because of the reunion of the super hit pair of Diljit Dosanjh and Neeru Bajwa. The duo have stunned their fans with blockbuster hits like 'Jatt and Juliet' and 'Jatt and Juliet 2'. The second reason for the film's success is the lively music. The music is a craze among the fans already with power-packed songs like 'I Love You Ji', 'Roku Keda', 'Taare Mutiyare' and 'Veer Vaar'.

What's the surprise package in the movie? It's the model turned actor Mandy Takhar. Will Mandy Takhar and Diljit Dosanjh make a good pair? It's still under wraps. From a quirky first poster to cheerful music, 'Sardaar Ji' promises a lot of chills and frills. The Punjabi film buffs and Diljit-Neeru fans are in for a surprise this Friday.