Read Part 1
For 'The Hobbit' trilogy, the films were different from the book for other reasons besides length. The main cause being the use of characters that weren't in the book at all. Tauriel (Evangeline Lily) and Legolas are two examples of this. The first was created for the female fans of the Tolkien world as other than Galadriel (Cate Blanchett) there weren't any female characters in this trilogy. Peter Jackson was showing his acknowledgement of all of his fans by creating this character. In addition to this, the love triangle between Tauriel, Legolas and Kili (Aidan Turner) prevents a complete divide from forming between the elves and the dwarves but it is done in a way that ensures the elves share the limelight instead of taking it completely from the main characters.
Not only that, but Tauriel's character brings an unpredictability to the Film. Those who have read the book know who dies. But she wasn't in the book, so even the most loyal of fans will not know absolutely everything that happens until they leave the cinema. Which of the warriors will she choose? Will she survive the war to be able to make that choice?
Arguably, Legolas' character is in the book. The Woodland elves are mentioned so he would apply to that group. In fact if Tolkien had written 'The Lord of the Rings' first and 'The Hobbit' second as a prelude, Legolas would have probably have been written into it even if it was only a brief mention. However, as aforementioned, this film was also supposed to link the two trilogies together.
The happenings of this film appear to trigger Legolas' next movements and thus explain how he will come to be in the fellowship.
Peter Jackson has also explained some of the things that aren't explained in the book such as Gandalf's habit of constantly disappearing from the company. This film in particular gives us the opportunity to follow Gandalf and explore the Necromancer element to the story which in turn, explains how 'The Lord of the Rings' will come to be.
Legolas' character was also a good contribution to one of the themes Jackson wanted to shine in this trilogy. This being the theme of fathers and sons. The bond between Legolas and Thranduil (Lee Pace) is a complicated one especially since they are both knowledgeable of the love triangle the son is a part of. Each father son bond is tested, even the one between the creatures Azog (Manu Bennett) and Bolg.
Why was this theme created? Possibly because within all of the fantasy and the magic and medieval goodness, there is something we can relate to: the bond between a parent and a child.
With the technology Jackson has at his disposal, it would have been possible for him to make Martin Freeman look like a one-hundred and eleven year old hobbit. But Ian Holm is brought back to make the final link between the trilogies perhaps even a slight overlap as a reminder of when we first saw the Tolkien world on the screens. That bridge has been made and when you watch the film, you walk across it and suddenly want to go home and watch the first trilogy all over again!
We all remember Ed Sheeran's "I See Fire," soundtrack that left everyone unmoving in their seats as the credits scrolled down the screen at the end of 'The Desolation of Smaug.' It seems Peter Jackson knows the values of sound just as he does of sight.
In the trailer of the final film, Billy Boyd's voice was heard singing 'The Edge of Night,' a song that was originally written for 'The Return of the King.' However, somehow the song still fit and also managed to foreshadow that this film would be the end. Before the finale had been released, we were reminiscing about what we had seen of the Tolkien world so far.
It is also Billy Boyd who sings as several sketches of the film's characters are shown on screen of the final film. The concept of using artwork alongside the credits was one Jackson used in 'The Return of the King.' Combined with the use of one of the first trilogy's actors, this song will make most fans reminiscent and possibly even teary.
Boyd's song, 'The Last Goodbye' is clearly remarking on more than just the story itself and if you watch the video that has been made to accompany the soundtrack, you will see video clips of the actors backstage.
Because for them, this is also a last goodbye.
Maybe it is for the best, to finish something while it is good, to end on a high and as Peter Jackson knew this would be the last film in Middle Earth, he ensured to give us an ending to remember.