Malaysia has seen a series of air tragedies this year, read in part one more details about the crash theories that have been circulating
So back to the perspective of howdangerous is it to go on a plane in light of these 3 aviation disastershappening?
Is flying becoming moredangerous and pose higher risk to life?
According to Aviation Safety Network founder/director, Haro Ranter in an article (Reuters/Business Insider)
2014 remarkably, had the lowest number for passengerflight accidents in aviation history.
Statistics from the Aviation Safety Network has itthat “ The year 2014 was the safest ever in terms of airliner crash fatalities.Throughout the world, there were 265 casualties out of approximately 31 millionflights, compared to 720 casualties annually for the last decade.
It happens to be the fewest number of fatalities onrecord. And it is the second safest year in terms of fatal plane crashes.
The year 2013 had 29 crashes compared to 32 on averagein 2014
(Before this deadly Air Asia tragedy and not countingthe MH 17, because that was not an accident)
Compare the statistics by WHO. In the year 2013 ,there were 1.24 million deaths on road accidents and in the same year 265people died in airplanes.
It may be argued that more people travel in carsacross the world but when considering that millions of flights take offannually and land and multiplied by an average of more than 100 passengers perflight.
The odds of flight safety to traffic safety arecomparatively much lower.
Bloomberg also conducted a research on the frequencyof when planes go missing.
And according to the report “ 83 planes have beenreported missing since 1948 which is also based on data compiled by AviationSafety Network .A list that includes all planes that is able to carry morethan 14 passengers and where no trace of debris or bodies have ever been found.That’s an average of 1.2 planes disappearing in a year.
So are the skies safe? Goingby these statistics, it has to be a resounding YES.