Air Asia 8501 hasbeen confirmed to have crashed into theJava sea just 40 minutes after takeoff. And as of this writing 6 bodies anddebris have been recovered by the authorities, from the passenger and crew listof 162 victims.
And all focus is concentrated on searching the area for the victimsand fuselage, believed to be in 20-30 m of water depth, as the search teamshave claimed to have seen an outline of a plane underwater in the general areawhere the plane had lost radar contact and where the debris and bodies wereretrieved.
And until the wreckage and the black box is found andrecovered and data analysed,it will be some time before the world knows whatmay have downed Air Asia 8501
What is alarming to many is the fact that this is the 3rdaviation tragedy within a space of 8 months and incredibly all 3 have ties toMalaysia.
The still missing MH 370, and the plane that was shot downover Ukraine MH 17 were both the national carriers of Malaysia, MAS (MalaysianAirlines System) whereas Air Asia is technically a Malaysian carrier company ,founded by the charismatic Malaysian Tony Fernandez (although this downed planeis with the Indonesian subsidiary of theAir Asia group of which the main Malaysian main company holds 49%, with therest all held by Indonesian investors with a separate president running thecompany)
Conspiracy theorist will have a field day constructing allmanner of plausible and impractical theories to connect the dots, particularlythe Malaysian connection of all 3 disasters.
One underlying concern in the back of many frequent airtraveller's minds must surely be, “Is flying still safe?” and “What will be theodds of it happening to me?” Particularlyif one were to be a frequent flyer to Asia, since all 3 disasters involvedAsian based carriers in a space of 8 months.
Putting intoperspective
In another perspective,the 3 aviation disasters involving Malaysian based carriers, it can be pointedout that each of them have differing circumstances.
In highly perplexing and mysterious case of flight MH 370,data evidence seems to be suggesting that either someone on board or remotelyand deliberately diverted the flight to an area in the middle of nowhere exceptfor very deep and remote part of the Indian ocean.
And ultimately, it is where the plane wasostensibly lost till present day without a trace.
And MH 17 was not an accidental plane crash in the conventionalsense; it was shot down, in a different geographical location than where MH 370was lost . Flying over Ukraine , albeit under very intriguing and suggestivelysinister circumstances or motives as to who is really responsible.
In Air Asia 8501 hasbeen found after 3 days of searching .And within the last known position of itbeing reported missing. Which canjustify the reasonable time frame, from where /when it disappeared till bodiesand debris were spotted and retrieved.
Based on the cockpit to tower communications,it seems likely they encountered bad weather , requested a route or flight pathand altitude change but tragedy struck before they were given the green lightto do so ..
Lending more credibility to the fact that this may really bean aviation accident and no foul play. It may be months before investigatorscan pieced together of what really caused this tragedy.