Many people have experienced it, an ambulance is attending a medical emergency and blocks their driveway. Ambulance crews are used to receiving angry notes from people affected by their parking. On this occasion, however, they received what is probably the nicest note ever, along with a £10 note.

As reported by the BBC, the incident happened in Faversham on Saturday, where Gary Turley, Carol Lewis and Michal Pezdar were in the middle of responding to not one, but two medical emergencies.

They say they were moved by the note and the money, left for them to buy themselves a coffee when they had time.

Medical emergency in a narrow street

The South East Coast Ambulance Service medical team was navigating very narrow streets, trying to find somewhere to park on Saturday in order to respond to two medical emergencies. When they returned to their vehicle, they spotted the note on the windscreen. Fearing the worst on a bad day, they were thrilled to find a note from a neighbour, saying they were blocking their drive, but adding, “no worries,” telling them to buy themselves a coffee with the £10 when they could, ending with three kisses.

Turley, who hails from Kingsnorth, Ashford, said he was grateful for the note from a kind-hearted resident of the area. He said it was a “really nice surprise,” and that it was generous and very much appreciated. Turley went on to thank the person who left the note, saying how challenging the shift had been and to find a kind note halfway through was a lovely thing.

Turley, 39, is a father of two children and said he has worked in the ambulance service for 16 years since leaving school, but this was the first time he had discovered a note on the windscreen of the ambulance. When he spotted the words “blocking our drive,” he thought to himself, “Oh no.” However, after reading the balance of the note, he was thrilled with the kind gesture.

Turley went on to say he is about to train as a paramedic, adding that his job as a technician is a level below that. He will start training at St. George’s University in September this year.

Two high category calls in one day

KentOnline quotes Lewis, who hails from Faversham, as saying on Facebook she had booked on for an eight-hour shift that day and had been involved in two high category calls. One call out related to a “category two” incident, which is when patients are suffering a stroke or chest pains. The other emergency that day was a “category one,” which involves cardiac arrest, which needs a two ambulance team of technicians and a paramedic.

She wrote to say she was thrilled to receive a kind note from a local resident, saying it shows appreciation for their work and she thanked the person very much.