The former star of 1980's cult movies like "The Goonies" and "The Lost Boys", Corey Feldman is attempting to raise funds to make an independent movie which, he says, will be "the most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed."
— Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) October 25, 2017
He is attempting to raise $10 million that will be used for a legal team, security for him and his family and to produce the film.
Feldman's past
He was, along with Corey Haim, one of the biggest stars of his generation and played in some of the biggest grossing movies of that time, but for Corey Feldman, what should have been a memorable experience for the right reasons turned out to be memorable for all the wrong reasons.
In his memoir in 2013 "Coreyography", Feldman recalls how he and Haim were victims of widespread sexual abuse in the industry when they were children and just getting started. He has posted several vague tweets about the extent of the abuse in Hollywood and in TV interviews he has talked about paedophilia in the industry. In one particular clip from "The View" in 2013 he is interviewed by broadcast journalist Barbara Walters and claims that the people who abused him and co-star Corey Haim were "still out there" and that they are "the richest and most powerful people in the business."
In a video posted on Twitter, he claims he "can name six people right off the bat, one of them who's still very powerful today."
By making the film he hopes to smash the paedophile ring that exists throughout Hollywood and has links to major film studios.
However, since his announcement, he has become increasingly concerned for his own safety. Now a musician and touring with a band there have been a number of incidents that have occurred that raise questions over how far this stretches; his tour bus was stopped for speeding, members of the band were arrested for possession of marijuana and most chillingly, that he narrowly missed being hit by two trucks at a crossroads.
Harvey Weinstein
In light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal that was covered up for 30 plus years, Hollywood would be minded to take note of what the former child star is saying. Several people have come forward since Weinstein's crimes were made public saying that they knew it was going on but turned a blind eye, such as Quentin Tarantino.
Surely, if what Feldman is saying is true then Hollywood needs to act, now. Tragically Corey Haim suffered from drug addiction and died in 2010, leaving Feldman as the lone voice for now, but seeing the support for his campaign on Twitter it will surely only be a matter of time before the floodgates open onto what will be one of the worst and most widespread child sex abuse scandals of the modern era.