The Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a date that commemorates the millions of victims who perished during World War II, because of the anti-Semitic and racist measures taken by the Third Reich in Germany. This being the reason for a date that contains so much controversy and pain, the speech of the current president of the United States in this respect could not go unnoticed.
While Donald Trump addressed emphatic words about the horrors of the Shoah, it is clear that social networking users have found it ironic; being him a distinctive character for its marked racism, sexism and xenophobia, among other negative characteristics that were associated with the regime he criticized.
The polemic speech
During his stay in Capitol Hill, the president pronounced politically correct words, but that would soon be questioned by the netizens. "The survivors in this room, through their testimony, fulfill the just duty of never forgetting the Nazi genocide", was one of the most outstanding phrases of his speech.
Then, Trump proceeded to describe those who denied the Holocaust provoked by the Nazis as accomplices of a terrible evil.
"We will never be silent again in the face of evil", he finished, instantly becoming the target of many criticisms.
How can one speak against anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, when he is someone who throughout his campaign spread hate speech? Being someone bent on stigmatizing Muslims and who has ordered cruel bombardments in Syria, with lethal chemical weapons (not even Adolf Hitler resorted to such horror).
That with his actions, has raised the ideas of white supremacy and nationalism that have caused so much damage in the past.
Twitter reacts and Trump is exposed
Protests over this well-known social platform soon became noticeable, both popular personalities and ordinary civilians. One of them was actress Erika Heidewald, who claimed that Trump had spread anti-Semitism in 2016.
Another user also did not hesitate to give his opinion, claimed that the president found support mainly in white supremacists who would like to purge the world of the other races and minorities.
In general, the tweets to his speech were ironic, negative and remorseless in recalling several of his government's measures, which do not commune with the words expressed on Capitol Hill.