This year's John Lewis television advert showing Buster the Boxer watching wildlife bouncing on the new trampoline in the garden, is another hit for the famous store. Plus it's got The Wildlife Trust jumping for joy too.

The reason being that John Lewis has chosen The Wildlife Trust as its charity campaign partner for this year's advert. The Trust will get 10% of sales of the cuddly toy versions of the animals in the advert.

This support couldn't come at a better time, as financial assistance for wildlife conservation is getting harder to secure. This boost will benefit the 47 regional Wildlife Trusts dotted throughout the UK.

The Wildlife Trust

The money will help to finance their work in engaging children with nature, including creating activity booklets, wildlife action packs for schoolchildren and wildlife resources for their teachers.

Staff at The Wildlife Trust were thrilled when they saw the advert, as it reinforces the message that they and their tens of thousands of members and supporters have been saying for years – nature is a real joy, and everyone, if they keep their eyes peeled at the right time can have an animal encounter – in the countryside or at home in towns and cities.

For more than 50 years The Wildlife Trusts have been assisting children to learn about and enjoy nature. They firmly believe that being in contact with the natural world is vital for children's well-being. Evidence points to the many health and social benefits derived from contact with nature - for all ages. But for children especially, it's shown that being in contact with nature makes them happier, healthier and more creative. In some cases even life changing.

How to support the charity

As well as buying the cuddly toys sold by John Lewis you can discover how to support wildlife conservation and nature by getting involved with your local Wildlife Trust. Each of these Wildlife Trusts works within its local community inspiring people to take care of its landscape.

Overall, The Wildlife Trust has more than 800,000 members and manages 2,300 nature reserves around the UK. Every year they advise thousands of organisations and landowners on how to best manage their land for wildlife.

The Warwickshire Wildlife Trust for example, covers the whole of Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull. Chief Executive Ed Green said that they were ending 2016 on a high and was delighted that the advert showcases the magic of wildlife in the UK.

He added: “Thanks to the support of John Lewis it will engage thousands more people of all ages with the wonders of nature.”