The reason behind why those that have travelled can only relate to one and other is because when a person has been exploring they see and experience some of the amazing and awful sights of the world.

It is through these experiences that they learn and develop in a way that is unrelatable to someone who has not been out there. This isn't to say that everyone who's been backpacking can relate to each other on the same level of course (there isn't a secret club don't worry) but there certainly is a hidden understanding amongst those that have.It takes certain traits to want to go backpacking in the first place.

Traits that not everyone shares in the same respect. You have to either be fearless or have a certain sense of bravery about you to want to go on such a voyage.

It isn't an easy step to take even for those who've longed to go their entire lives, it is a matter of going out into the unknown after all. Travellers learn to be more open minded to all kinds of different things from food to people, the list is endless. They learn things about themselves that they'd have never have discovered if they hadn't gone. Some will see poverty in unimaginable forms (depending on where they go) and that can be life changing in itself.

This can be for many reasons and some of the time it is because it makes them appreciate their own lives more. So if you know someone who's been travelling and they've gone and come back a completely different person, don't take it to heart. Another distinct characteristic of the backpacker is once they have been, for some that will be it and they will forever want to be back on the road.

That in itself can only be understood by those who share the same longing. There are of course those that will never want to do it again, and sometimes this is simply because they just haven't been to the right countries. To those I say, don't let one adventure stop you from going on another!

Travelling can be one of the most eye opening and life changing experiences that should be tried at least once in a lifetime. The understanding amongst them is one that everyone should get the chance to know.