In early 2014, there has been the "No makeup selfie" tendency on social media; it was an initiative to raise funds for cancer patients. We had the opportunity to discover the True Beauty of some of the most popular stars, like Adele, Nicole Richie, Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba… It is great to see the stars just as they are, with their Natural Beauty and imperfections, just like us!
In other occasions, stars have published selfies of them without makeup, like Alicia Keys, who started to be makeup free since 2016, after been many years afraid of going out without it: “Cause I don't want to cover up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams, not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing," the musician said.
Why do we use makeup?
We put makeup for us, because it is fun, creative and it gives a sense of well-being; a way to simply step ahead. But…we also put makeup for others! In fact, many women say that makeup gives them confidence; it helps to anticipate the judgment of the other.
Also, researches has shown that women who care more about their appearance are considered more socially integrated, more attractive and more feminine, according to Psychologies Magazine France. Beauty and femininity are irremediably linked because, unlike animals, in humans it is the woman's responsibility –in regard the social conceptions– to make herself beautiful, according to Hana Rottman, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst quoted by the same source. Besides, the specialist clarifies that worrying about appearance is not wrong, it is even a mental health standard, because it presupposes to be aware of the reality of one's body, and of the existence of the other.
Furthermore, beauty is above all related to sexuality.
But, if you use makeup to attract men, think twice on quantity! A study conducted by the British psychologist Alex Jones of the University of Bangor (Wales), published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, has revealed that men prefer women without makeup or with very little makeup, but with any other artifices of beautification.
According to an article of Elle magazine published in 2014, men like that women put makeup on big occasions, as a change of daily life, but not too much!
My natural and beautiful me
Moreover, makeup reduces skin quality and ages it faster. So, let’s highlight you natural beauty, accompanied with a big smile and a confident attitude, no one will resist you!
It would improve your self-esteem, since it involves accepting ourselves as we are, with everything and imperfections. Also, going makeup free is a way to reinvent yourself: go for that hair style you always wanted, and show the world your true self! : You want to cut it? Cut it! It will grow again; let free your curly hair… Moreover, it is an opportunity to change in order to have a better way of life and, of course, a better skin: use a moisturizer and sun screen, clean your skin, eat healthy, have a good sleep, drink water.
If you want or need to wear a little makeup you can use a BB cream and your favorite lipstick. Some have SPF protection, antiaging activities, antioxidants, moisturizer, etc., it depends on the needs of your skin type.
And always remember, as Bruno Mars says: “Cause you're amazing. Just the way you are”.