With the men's singles matches 100% confirmed for NXT Takeover London, many fans are now looking towards the female side of the card for this historic Wembley show. Two important questions are on fan's minds: who will face off for the first women's title match in the UK and will we see Asuka? If we are to believe current internet rumours based on the last Full Sail tapings, we have the answers.

Now, if you are determined not to spoil the slightest thing then don't continue reading because one of these rumours does ring a few alarm bells about the upcoming women's title match between Bayley and Eva Marie.

It has long been speculated that there would be some sort of match involving new Japanese sensation Asuka and either Emma or Dana Brooke, or perhaps even both in some sort of handicap match. For many, the obvious choice between the two heels was Emma, the fan favourite and overlooked initiator of the Diva's revolution. Emma deserves the chance to shine on the Wembley stage a little more and the current news on the grapevine is that this is precisely what will happen.

Dana will no doubt be ringside so fan's shouldn't worry about her being left out.

The Asuka storyline was the one where fans were most confident about the final card; the women's title match was where things were a little shakier. Much like the men's match, the options here seemed a little thin because there are few credible contenders with the departure of the rest of the Four Horsewomen. There have been many new women brought in for recent tapings, mostly to feed to the scarily dominant Nia Jax or to lose to Eva Marie, and with Alexa Bliss' challenge proving unsuccessful on the November 18th show, it really is between those two now – Nia and Eva.

Four top wrestlers will make NXT London an international affair.

For a while the expectation was for Eva to face Bayley at NXT Takeover London, something that has been accepted with a mixture of dread and defeat by most fans because WWE seem so desperate to push her. The awkward announcement on Wednesday night from Eva that she would get her chance the following week brought two situations to mind – either she steals a win (perhaps with the help of Nia) and we see the rematch in London or she loses and the push is brought to a halt.

Fans following along on TV wont know the precise results and implications until the bell rings next Wednesday but the rumour going around is that it is Nia that faces Bayley in London.