Bake Off fans may be starting to feel withdrawal symptoms now that the last series is long over but news of the upcoming celebrity series for Sport Relief will be welcome news. There are 16 people taking part over four shows and the stand out name for 2016 has to be Samantha Cameron.
Bake sales are always a great way to raise money for charity and The Great British Bake Off has always been a fantastic form of inspiration for amateur bakers looking to help raise funds for events like Comic Relief. If the gang of inept Celebrities can make an edible cupcake with some red icing on top then there is no excuse not to have a go.
The list of celebrities taking part in their charity events each year is usually pretty impressive – less of the z-grade, reality TV stars that are seen eating various animal parts in the jungle and more of the Television stars and big names that will really draw in the viewers. The decision to include Samantha Cameron, however, is an odd one.
Is this an attempt to make the Camerons more likeable?
Why would Sam Cam agree to do the show? There is the chance that she is an avid baker and long-time fan of the show and simply wants to do her bit for Sport Relief. There is also the chance that this is all a big PR stunt to add a warm, homely glow to the Cameron family at a time when they are alienating themselves from the general public.
If Mel and Sue can't make us warm to this woman and showcase her personally then there is no hope.
It will be interesting to see how Samantha Cameron fares in her outing next year, both in terms of her abilities against the other singers, comedians and actors that are taking part and her treatment on the BBC show. There is a chance that we will get some sort of footage of Cameron the mother and wife, baking cakes for her children and receiving encouragement from her husband, and we have to hope that Paul Hollywood gives his usual honest criticism if her biscuits are dry and flavourless.
It is probably also too much to hope that she is on the same show as former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls. A Labour V Tory bake-off is long overdue.
Bake-off fans do not have long to wait until this celebrity Sport Relief edition airs as it is due to be shown prior to the event, which takes place in March. Cameron, Balls and the other stars – including Will Young, former Masterchef winner Ade Edmondson and Geri Horner – have plenty of time to practice their signature bakes.