The BBC channel announced the suspension of Jeremy Clarkson, the host of the well-known program 'Top Gear', while they are running an investigation and that the presenter "was the only one to be punished." Controversial grounds around the presenter are not new. Last may, Jeremy Clarkson received what he called the "last warning", after having been accused of using a racist word during the filming of 'Top Gear'.
At the time, he admitted that the TV channel warned him that he could be fired if similar situations happened again. The BBC did not disclose further details about the incident involving the 54 years old host and soon will not make new statements.
Last month, Jeremy placed a post on twitter where we could read: "Wanted: new host for Top Gear! The applicant must be old, poorly dressed and clumsy, but able to get to work on time." A tweet that, read today, can generate a number of critical thoughts. With Clarkson commanding the show since 2002, he was been confronted with several moments of controversy, for which also he became famous.In October 2014, the entire program team had to abandon filming in Argentina after derivatives protests to a registration plate, which seemed to refer to the Falklands War, that involved England and Argentina in 1982. In July 2014, he used a term to refer to an Asian citizen who was perceived as a racial slur.
In May 2014, a video in which Jeremy used a racist term, while reciting a children's verse, reach the hands of the Daily Mirror. The video was never broadcast, but it took Clarkson to apologize in a video statement. In October 2012, Clarkson compared a motorhome to a person with facial disfigurement, which generated enough controversy.
In January 2012, in a special program on India, Clarkson said that a vehicle equipped with a bathroom would be ideal to India, since "how goes there will catch diarrhea." In February 2011, the BBC channel had to apologize to Mexico after Clarkson called the inhabitants "lazy" and "irresponsible".