The world is witnessing, yet again, another interesting end of a month. With geopolitical focus spreading out to the four corners of the world, plenty has happened, with the only certainty that more is to come.
Between warmongering, presidential threats, and a crucial German election which undeniably ties up to Catalonia's referendum, it was time for Mrs. May's delivering of her "betrayal" speech, according to Ukip's lead candidate, Jane Collins.
In Renaissance's birth-town of Florence, Brexit's melodrama added another page to its long-perceived ending, as negotiations are likely to endure, for years.
Brexit: Fifteen months of wasted time
The Daily Mail writes that, as seen by Collins as "bogus Brexit" talks, and a political tactic used by the Tories to keep the UK within the EU, (until the next General Election), the runner for Ukip's leadership is now admitting to be "in the best interests of the country that Nigel returns - albeit with a new team supporting him."
With Ben Walker, (the running mate for Ukip leadership) backing up Collins' call for Farage's takeover in the lead role of the party, internal structuring within the Ukip itself may be the cause for which Farage is set to announce, as early as this next Monday, the formation of a breakaway party, (if pro anti-Islam Anne Marie Waters wins party leadership election).
Anti-Islamic stance to be the nail in the coffin for Ukip
According to the Metro, characteristically, Mr. Farage's reaction to the Prime Minister's speech was as delicate as the sharp end of a knife. "What we’ve done today is we’ve kicked it into the long grass for another two years. It’s two fingers up to 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit." That raw adage of his may well be what will ultimately lead almost every Ukip MEP to follow him, in future years.
One thing the former Ukip's leader has to be given credit for is his sense of timing. Waiting for his turn, as on a chess board, Mr. Farage threw in a double move, right at the end of Mrs. May's speech. A move directed, not only at the Prime Minister, but also at those daring to sink the party which pretends to keep its status of Brexit's guardian.
With anti-Islamic views stubbornly lingering inside the Ukip, Nigel Farage's intentions to form a new party could be seen as a simple, yet, masterfully timed response, to internal disputes within the party's ideology.
The longer it drags, the deeper it falls
Having passed the moment for any consensus, people in the UK grow tired of lame action, that is a fact. But the facts involved in this 'divorce' are far too complex to be concluded in any short time.
For that, words weigh in, heavily, and on every single attempt that Prime Minister Theresa May has to address, not only its people but the entire European Union. Turned easily into weapons, those words are Mr. Farage's bread.
As the process unfolds, demanded to answer, the commitment and goodwill shown by the UK government comes rather too little, too late.
With so many narratives in the mix, the choice of words is key to convey the right message.
Mrs. Theresa May knows that, and with Nigel Farage's pragmatic, factual poise in pointing out to what seems to be a catastrophic, final trade deal, between the EU and the UK, odds are that the worst for Brexit is yet to come.