In an interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, President Donald Trump has blamed Sunday's astonishing Oscar mix-up on Hollywood's elite that was 'preoccupied with politics'.
Trump takes credit for the blunder
Donald Trump, who was at the White House during Sunday night’s ceremony, was a recurring theme throughout the night. Numerous hosts and Oscar winners made references - some more explicit than others - about the new President.
Trump said: 'I really think that they were too focused on playing politics that they didn’t get their act together at the end. Thinking about it, it was really sad and a little disappointing'.
Host of the ceremony, television personality Jimmy Kimmel, trolled Trump throughout the course of the evening, specifically mentioning his name on several occasions. Kimmel asked: 'Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars was racist? This broadcast is being watched by people in over 225 countries that now hate us because of our President'.
Playfully, Kimmel mocked Trump's comments during the Golden Globes by calling Meryl Streep overrated, stating 'Meryl Streep has phoned it in for over fifty films during her lacklustre career'.
Kimmel continued, leading a 'totally undeserved round of applause'.
Trump claims the Oscars are too politicised
Trump told Breitbart News that the politicisation of the Oscars detracted from the glamour of the ceremony. 'I really don't think that it was a very glamorous ceremony. There was something very special missing from the ceremony and that was sad. The mix-up at the end of the ceremony-when 'La La Land' was mistakenly announced as best picture-really showed that these Hollywood elites are more concerned with politics than the are with their job'.
Since becoming President, Trump has faced the ire of Hollywood on various occasions. During the Golden Globes in January, many actors criticised Trump's stance on immigration and blamed the rise of populism on him. Trump responded to criticism throughout the ceremony on Twitter-this time, Trump missed the event as he was hosting a dinner at the White House.