The Republican Presidential hopeful Chris Christie arrivedin London, on Sunday, for a three-day visit that will include a meeting atNumber 10, for informal talks, with the Prime Minister David Cameron and a tripto the Emirates for the ‘soccer’ match between Arsenal and Aston Villa. TheGovernor will also meet with Chancellor George Osborne and sit through a rehearsalof Shakespeare’s Henry V at the Globe.
Governor Christie’s aids say the trip is a trade mission onbehalf of New Jersey to bolster economic, cultural and diplomatic ties withBritain.
With the US Presidential election coming up in 2016, this trip has theadded benefit of increasing his foreign policy credentials. This sudden visitcomes after trips to Mexico, Canada and Israel. Since taking office, GovernorChristie has spent over $1million in travelling expenses, coming under heavy criticismafter it was revealed he had paid for his diplomatic trip to Middle East, in2012, with New Jersey taxpayers’ money.
Potential US Presidential candidates often visit allies inorder to showcase their ability to lead America and the World. In November, US Presidentialhopeful Jeb Bush visited David Cameron “for drinks” at Downing Street and metwith George Osborne, London Mayor Boris Johnson and Chief Whip, Michael Gove.
Aheadof the 2012 US Presidential race, Mitt Romney paid an infamous visit to the UK wherecriticised the preparations for the London 2012 Olympics, leading to public rebuttalsby Mr Cameron and Boris Johnson. Next up will be the Wisconsin Senator, ScottWalker, who will arrive in London, on the 9th of February, for asimilar trade mission on behalf of his state.
After Mitt Romney announced, on Friday, his withdrawal fromthe 2016 US Presidential Race, Governor Christie is seen as one of the favouritesleading into the Republican Party primaries. Former President George W. Bush’sbrother, Jeb Bush, and libertarian Rand Paul are believed to be GovernorChristie’s main rivals. With President Barack Obama unable to run again after completing two terms, the front-runner to land the Democratic Party presidential nomination is former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.