We don't know whether there will be televised Leaders Debates.  But thecurrent proposal includes one (or more) televised debate(s) to feature theleaders of the 7 main parties contesting the general election.

But I am struggling to understand how The Nationalist Parties (SNP& Plaid Cymru) fit-in.  Fairly obviously, David Cameron willrepresent The Conservatives; Ed Milliband will represent Labour; NickClegg will represent The Lib Dems.  Oh, and of course, the ubiquitousNigel Farage will represent UKIP.  Natalie Bennett willrepresent The Greens - and if you could have named The Leader of the GreenParty you are probably related to Natalie Bennett.

However, this bit does all make sense.  The Greensare polling better than The Lib Dems, and just because theirLeader doesn't have the omni-presence of Farage doesn't mean that Bennettshouldn't be at The Leaders debate(s).

However, it gets more confusing when we think about The NationalistParties.  OK, Nicola Sturgeon is probably actually much more identifiablethan Bennett, BUT, is she the Leader of The SNP?  In terms of fighting theWestminster General Election, neither the SNP's Leader nor PlaidCymru's Leader are seeking election to Westminster.  It seems a little oddthat Nicola Sturgeon will be at The Leaders debate when she isn't seeking to bean MP, and would not be leading The SNP in London.  The same problembefalls The Welsh Nationalists, Plaid Cymru.  However, they have thefurther problem of having a Leader that isn't well-known even in Wales, letalone in the Rest of The UK.  Leanne Wood is The Leader of Plaid Cymru; sheis a Member of The Welsh Assembly, but she is NOT an MP at Westminster. So, when The Leaders stand in front of the camera, the most predictable thingis bewilderment from the general public, as they ask who are they?  Andhow come are they at the debate if they are not even standing as an MP?
