Anthony Scaramucci reminds me of the kid at school who pulls your pony tail and then runs off laughing. On the way home he’s on his push bike which has mirrors flashing in the sun riding fast along the footpath as you desperately try to stay out of his way. You know full well what kind of man he’s going to grow up to be, flashy and loud.
I have no idea how but last month this kid, Scaramucci, got a job at the white house as Communications Director. What kind of references he showed Donald Trump his future employer is beyond me. Who in their right mind would want to employ this man to front the media on your behalf and reassure the people of America that you have it all under control?
Dodgy sycophant
Nonetheless, ten days later this flashy wall street dude has been sacked. The right decision was made, he had to go. What worries me is why Trump didn’t see this coming. It was painfully obvious he was a dodgy sycophant at his introduction press briefing. After Sarah Huckabee Sanders quoted Trump on the Scaramucci appointment, “Anthony is a person I have great respect for, and he will be an important addition to this administration”. Anthony got down to the business of wooing the assembled press. After praising the president in an ingratiating way he went onto say, “I love the President. I obviously love the country. Look at my life experience here in the country, and so it’s an honour to be here”.
After more platitudes, he blew a kiss to the assembled journalists and departed. Sarah stood by with a bemused look on her face. She could suss him, so could most of the press.
It gets ugly
‘Scaramucci learnt his press tactics from Wall Street. They’ll only get uglier’ headlined the Washington Post. This only a day after he had called Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker about a leak concerning his dinner companions the previous night.
“What I’m going to do is, I will eliminate everyone in the comms team and we’ll start over,” he told Lizza with a few choice swear words added for effect. For a moment Ryan couldn’t tell whether he was joking. Speaking in third person while on a paranoid bender he continued to lambast Rizza about possible leaks and what everyone thought about him.
It doesn’t make for pretty reading.
Days later it was announced he had been fired, the president felt Scaramucci’s comments to the New Yorker were “inappropriate”. As he was escorted off the White House grounds I presume they checked his bag for pens and the office stapler.
Shafted in the process
This was avoidable, he should never have been employed, to begin with, and the sad thing is in doing so a competent press officer, Sean Spicer, felt shafted in the process. Sean would never have ridden his bike on the footpath, he would have stayed behind in the school library studying and then got the bus home. He deserved that job and now this fiasco is over I hope the president comes to his senses and begs him to return to his post.