Withthe introduction of a new system developed by the Center for RailwaysInformation Systems, Indians can now look forward to a new way of bookinge-tickets at the satisfying speed of 7200 tickets per minute.
TheIndian Railways on Wednesday launched its new system of booking e-tickets torid the population of the country of the long practiced and exasperatingprotocol of booking through the IRCTC website. Crafted from a budget of almost180 crore rupees, this new system will allow 120,000 users to book ticketssimultaneously, thus going steps ahead of the previous 40,000 users capacity.
TheIndian Railway minister, Sadanand Gowda, seemed immeasurably satisfied with thelaunch of this venture, and even applauded the government fast working pace. Heeven guessed that at the rate the present Indian Government, led by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi, is progressing, they might be able to fulfill all oftheir promises and proposed budget plans before the commencement of the nextbudget year. The Rail budget itself was proposed in the parliament roughly twomonths ago and had included a clause on the introduction of a fastere-ticketing system.
Thenew system comes as a significant improvement over the older one, in whichtravelers had to book tickets from the IRCTC website, the official site for theIndian Railways.
IRCTC had a booking capacity of only 2000 tickets everyminute, allowing only a mere 40,000 users to work at any given point of time.
Apart from the new system, Indian Railways also launched a new train inquirymobile application and the Go-India Smart Card. Cash prizes of Rs. 5 lakhs andRs. 2.5 lakhs were also announced for the CRIS and the IRCTC respectively. Gowda also introduced online systems for e-demand and e-diversion, making booking wagons and paying bills without taking the trouble of getting in line for counters. He also speculated on the launch of a system based on optic fiber cable network to provide education to the children of railway officials.