The final Death Toll from the Grenfell Tower tragedy is believed to be 71 victims. The Metropolitan Police believe they have recovered all the victims from the Tower block which was devastated by fire back in June. In the aftermath, the Metropolitan Police say as many as 80 victims had perished in the fire and up to 400 people were listed as missing. It was feared that the absolute final death toll may never be known as it was believed that subletting was going on inside the building. Back in September, the death toll was slightly revised down from 80 victims after the police had meticulously combed through every flat in the doomed block.
A disaster of an unimaginable scale
Most of us awoke on that fateful June 14 morning to scenes that many could not comprehend. When the pictures were shown of the graphic damage the fire caused it was clear that we were looking at a disaster on an unimaginable scale in London's North Kensington. This new revised figure is thought to include a stillborn baby, Logan Gomes, who perished on the day of the fire.
According to the Sun Newspaper, Commander Stuart Cundy has said the search of the tower is almost complete. The final two victims of the fire have been named as mother and daughter Victoria King, 71 and her daughter Alexandra Atala, 40. The majority of the victims are believed to have perished between the 10th and 23rd floors of the tower.
Many questions still to be answered
The process of identifying the dead may have come to its sombre conclusion, but there are still many residents of North Kensington that demand answers. The police say they are considering a number of charges including charges of manslaughter. Questions have been raised about the cladding which was fitted to the side of Grenfell Tower which tests have shown to be highly flammable.
The local councils, Kensington and Chelsea have also come under some massive scrutiny after being accused of ignoring residents' safety fears. A public inquiry into the tragedy was officially launched in September, which is being headed by Sir Martin Moore-Bick. The chairman of the inquiry has said he hopes that the inquiry's findings can be published by Easter 2018.
Today's revelations about the final death toll at Grenfell Tower may be a way of trying to close a page of this horrible chapter in the residents of North Kensington's lives, but until these families have the answers they deserve from the authorities, it will be very hard for these poor souls to try to find any closure in the wake of one of the worst tragedies my city has ever seen.